The answer is going to disappoint you a lot...
There is very little production of new Type II and no Type IV left on the planet for new audio cassettes.
You are stuck with a few Type I/normal tapes in production, the Maxell and TDK, even Sony tapes are made by the same sources in a large part and you are left to find NOS cassettes online and in thrift stores or drugstores.
You are left to find what works best for you and limiting yourself to one brand will not be a favorable strategy soon, if not yesterday. Learn to adapt to whatever you may find and seek good quality. If your deck has a bias adjustment, use it. You are truly on your own again.
Hitachi isn't going to bring the glory days of Maxell back and TDK has been moving onward into other products for a long time, with relatively little cassette production.
Now you can truly become the devoted and studious hobbyist everyone THINKS you are!