Thanks for all the birthday greetings. Although I wanted to skip my birthday dinner until I felt better, I felt obliged when my son was eager for me to open my gift and our international student from China, Yvonne, who we are host parents for while she is graduating from high school, was eager, too. So, the dinner was held yesterday and here are a few pictures.
The birthday cake was home-made and presented to me when we attended our friend's pre-Christmas party on Saturday. Thank you, Jaimee.
Nice to see you back. I'm just a younger version of your dad, then. Probably the same temperament and humour, at the very least.
Good to hear of you kicking back with some old mix tapes. Derek, one of our esteemed members, has asked me to share a mix tape exchange using only pre-recorded tapes for the music. Seem a familiar theme? Once I am ready to record it, I can send you a copy of the finished project.
Hi Nando - Yea, I'd really like a copy of that tape!
When I tried to get that project launched and it didn't gain any traction, I ended up making a tape-to-tape compilation for myself. I seem to remember I was very pleased with the results at the time. I'll see if I can dig up that tape and share a dub.