Kevin, on page 17 of yur speaker plans they mention dampening material, there IS NONE in your bass bins. You need to add that before you get to radical...
Kevin, on page 17 of yur speaker plans they mention dampening material, there IS NONE in your bass bins. You need to add that before you get to radical...
Kevin, on page 17 of yur speaker plans they mention dampening material, there IS NONE in your bass bins. You need to add that before you get to radical...
Ok thought so. My speaker dude swears by lambs wool. My cabs are packed with the stuff lol. I guess lambs wool is supposed to be the best of all for bass. Just what I've been told!!
Ok thought so. My speaker dude swears by lambs wool. My cabs are packed with the stuff lol. I guess lambs wool is supposed to be the best of all for bass. Just what I've been told!!
Anybody else try mattress foam? I usually use it, but it might not be considered as good as insulation or lamb's wool. And Kevin, Dr. Goin's has plenty of lambs across the street from my house....