Yep, you'd think after err... how many... I'd have that "talent" by now? If you're keeping tabs, Oct of 2012 is when I first did a (successful) build. Goin on two years now...
And stellar work you do, listening to Sally now and she still puts a shiteatin' grin on my face every time I put the gas to her
Having a tagsale today and Shpongle is blasting around the neighborhood LMAO
Lots of audio equipment, old toys, records & cds, collectibles, Coke antiques, vintage Revell slotcar set, 1960s BIG Tonka trucks, misc old coolness, Marshall amp, Fender MIM Strat, Yamaha acoustic, original Coleman heater, more modern Coleman cookstove, vintage artwork and related etc... stop by and fill your car!
1926 South St
Coventry, CT
Already sold the Savage .22LR and an old Black Jack made in Japan guitar