Man, I would have hated typing all that! I don't see how he can complain about that stuff. People pay for the manuals can do whatever they want with them and redistribute them however they see fit. Stereomanuals does not hold any rights to any corporate info from various manufacturers. It's up to the buyer to decide which vendor they get their manuals from. In that respect, Stereomanuals deserves the business more for their quality and dedication. However, once it's out on the internet and legally accessed, good luck trying to keep it. Unless you own the rights to something, you don't have a leg to stand on from what I see
Northwinds, you need to read more carefully. I can "complain about that stuff" because the message I wrote was "specifically" directed to those who "need" or those who "desire" to have a huge library of Pioneer PDF manuals and related items. If you read the message carefully, the entire message was addressing the various issues one would encounter in trying to create a Pioneer PDF library such as I have done.
You may or may not agree with my views, but I would suggest that there are few folks "out there" that have a very good idea regarding the various issues I raised because very few "out there" have attempted to build such a library such as I have done. I will 100% stand by my comments.
Yes you are correct regarding how anybody with a computer may or may not distribute digital files as they see fit. And yes you are correct that anybody with a brain can usually find the files somewhere whether they pay for the files or find them for free. You are also correct in you comments about me owning "any rights" to corporate info from various manufacturers.
You may have noticed my remark that once information goes digital, I believe it's value approaches ZERO very quickly.
However, you are completely WRONG in speaking of me, or any other site, or any individual distributing such info on the internet because it's "out there and legally accessed". I addressed that issue in part in my remarks about some sites "claiming" to own the copyrights to manuals files. Additionally ebay is littered with manuals sellers "claiming" that ALL the files are in the public domain, no copyright issues, etc.
What a pile of horseshit. OF COURSE the original manufacturer owns the copyrights to their publications in virtually ALL cases and will for decades in the future. Those ebay sellers are lying sacks of shit!! The point is that the companies (with some few exceptions) basically have not done anything to enforce their rights and have allowed me and tons of various sites to distribute their copyrighted information without restriction.
My issue is the fucking lying sellers on ebay who claim all kinds of crap about what they are selling, and the various internet sites who deceptively modify files in order to increase the chance that someone will eventually click on a google ad and/or do other things to make it appear that they are offering vastly more "stuff" than others when in fact, they are not.
My other issue is that I "KNOW" that a lot of folks are simply looking for a file they can find somewhere whether free or paid for, so that they can PRINT THE MANUAL. Because the free download sites dominate the google search results, those folks almost never find sites such as mine which is able to provide them (usually) with a MUCH higher quality printed manual than anything they can find as a PDF file on a free or paid-for basis.
Soooooo..... the result is that I can not much longer stay in business without sufficient revenue. If and when I shut down, then those who really really want a quality printed manual may be shit out of luck. I have MANY highly regarded vintage audio techs around the country who tell me they can NOT find better printed manuals on a consistent basis anywhere else. AND they consider quality printed manuals (NOT PDF files) as essential to their business.