And remember Obamas campaign promise of your energy costs skyrocketing, and he's doing all he can to the energy industry to keep that promise, the only one he's likely to keep.
AND GUESS WHAT?? Hydraulic fracturing causes seismic events!!! WOW!! We have some smart ones out there'd think that initiating fractures in sandstone formations would be a quiet , benign activity. But in reality it's very noisy, disruptive and very violent activity. Making cracks in rock is not for the timid.
The latest attack on the fracking process is now veering away from the threat of ruining your groundwater ( NEVER, in 100 years of fracking a well has there been communication with a potable water formation and the target formation) because that's a dead end fight, to frightening the populace about the possibility of earthquakes.
Ohio has now passed regulations that if fracking a well causes a seismic event the project has to be halted. Well there ya go folks, I'm gonna spend 7 million dollars to drill and complete the well then halfway through the process get shut down for a sesmic event and plug and abandon the well. Yep, lotta wells gonna get drilled in Ohio now. Sesmic monitors have been used for a very long time to map the extent, and quality of the fractures themselves and used to adjust pressures and sand content to achieve optimal fracture growth. I would hazard a guess that information will now be used against the industry to shut down another key element of the technological effectivness of fracturing...
FOR ANYBODY READING THIS, the governments all out assault on the energy industry is working, it will control price, availabilty and distibution of all forms of energy eventually, just like health care. God help us....
OK , rant over..