BD, you should throw a weekly pigroast! The smell of broiling pork might run the middle easterners out of your building and maybe the neighborhood LMAO!
BD, you should throw a weekly pigroast! The smell of broiling pork might run the middle easterners out of your building and maybe the neighborhood LMAO!
…. but that was mid afternoon and half the building was out.
if it was dinner time, I could've done a hundred easy!
… and no, I don't need a WOPL, although of course I'd like one, but I already have 2x Crown D150's, 2x Bryston 7B, a PL400 II, 2x PL700 II, and my beast, the Amcron MA2401.
I could do with some more 15" speakers tho'.
I haven't been notified for any 'breaches' yet, but when I do, I'll just deny it, and say it was someone else.
Easy solved.
…. but D2 was right. Time to dig up the Sound FX collection. (and set up the 'big bins' outside on my balcony)
i don't remember. but it was high, as it was meant to stack in clumps which brought it down considerable, and so still maintain a good power economy. pro'ly around 45Hz.
i'll look it up….
stick two together then it couples and goes down about 3-4Hz
stick four together, doubles that.
at proper gigs, i was running up to 8 per side. do the maths…...
the thing is, the bass frequencies most favourable at a live gig, is not necessarily as low as some people think it is.
in reality, 60 Hz is pretty well where it all happens. anything lower is pretty well wasted.