Bobby's Dad's thread....

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Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 27, 2013
In witness protection.
I've totally lost the plot....
It is a comfy 9c here right now. :rabbit: We still have about a foot of snow on the ground, but it wont last too long this time of year.
I'm curious…..
Do you still use the fridge, or do you just stick everything outside under the snow.
It's just power bills being wot they are……


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
9C is good enough to cause flooding (close to 45-50F)? That's a brisk day at Bondi Beach.

Web Police

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Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
After winter here 9C is down right balmy sweatshirt type weather. No can't keep food under a snow bank I keep it much warmer inside 20C. Don't worry in a month or so it will be 20 to 30c everyday. We have two seasons here winter and summer, not much in between.
And power is fairly cheap here last month my heating bill was $100 and electricity about $45 or so. In summer my gas bill is about $25 a month and electricity about $75 a month. I have Natural gas heating and of course electric A/C.

Yes Steven yesterday is was 50F the snow is melting fairly fast so we have to worry about flooding, not me in particular but other is low elevation areas.
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Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 27, 2013
In witness protection.
I've totally lost the plot....
Our gas prices are about to go up 13%, after the suppliers stated that we're running out of it, and so it's going to be more expensive.
I've never heard so much crap!
If we are running out, it's because we're selling it all off to overseas, which because of the competition is being sold off cheap, and then subsidised by our incompetent government.
Anyway, I don't use gas, but because big business does, it means the price of everything will now go up, and by leaps and bounds. Can't win.
I only get just over $12K/a on a pension. My rent is $8K/a. That leaves me $4K/a. …. and Winter's on the way. Better get some extra blankets before THEY go up!


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Australia is home to quite a few LARGE offshore gas fields, IIRC you also have a few LARGE LNG export terminals that liquify natural to ship overseas. Australia itself is not out of gas as you say BD, and the basins you have offshore are bona fide petroleum systems (meaning even though not drilled yet everything is present to contain oil and gas, the correct formations, rock maturity, etc). The potential for more discoveries is very good. This what happens when gov't gets TOO INVoLVED in energy, the market gets skewed. If an oil company can sell their gas in Aussie land they would not go to the expense of cooling it down to -300 degrees and then having a fleet of LNG tankers to haul the stuff. That's a very expensive process, they'd rather lay a pipeline to shore and have in a lot of places, but once again the gov't is putting obstacles in place which makes it easier to ship overseas...


Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 27, 2013
In witness protection.
I've totally lost the plot....
Australia is home to quite a few LARGE offshore gas fields, IIRC you also have a few LARGE LNG export terminals that liquify natural to ship overseas. Australia itself is not out of gas as you say BD, and the basins you have offshore are bona fide petroleum systems (meaning even though not drilled yet everything is present to contain oil and gas, the correct formations, rock maturity, etc). The potential for more discoveries is very good. This what happens when gov't gets TOO INVoLVED in energy, the market gets skewed. If an oil company can sell their gas in Aussie land they would not go to the expense of cooling it down to -300 degrees and then having a fleet of LNG tankers to haul the stuff. That's a very expensive process, they'd rather lay a pipeline to shore and have in a lot of places, but once again the gov't is putting obstacles in place which makes it easier to ship overseas...
My brother works for these gas companies at one of the offshore places. Actually he gets transferred around lots, and according to him, it nearly ALL gets put onto THOUSANDS of huge takers only to disappear over the horizon.
We have our own oil too, but we see only a minority percentage of it, and most of our resources are imported.
This country is stuffed…… and the population are none the wiser, because the truth is NEVER out there.
Our current petrol prices are around AU$1.60/litre. Diesel's about AU$1.80+/litre. That's almost the dearest on the planet. Most of that is tax which in turn gets paid back to the oil co's as subsidies.
Hell, even with our meat exports, a 20Kg BOX of the most premium prime steak sells to the US for US$1/box, yet it costs AU$45Kg on the shelf at a S/mkt….
… and my favourite, PRAWNS, which our local produce gets sold overseas, because of our clean waters is quite in demand in Asian markets, and sells for 30% less THERE, than the crappy Asian prawns, that no one on the planet wants due to high arsenic, lead, and other shit, lands and sells here for over AU$30Kg. You can't buy local produce here, because all the S/mkts can get it all cheaper from O/s, and make higher profit margins, and keeps the shareholders happy.
It all sucks big time.

The cost of living here is at least 50% higher here than in the US.
Can't win.
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Chief Journeyman
Jun 20, 2013
Kapiti Coast, New Zealand
Path under Coastlands overbridge
This country is stuffed…… and the population are none the wiser, because the truth is NEVER out there.
Our current petrol prices are around AU$1.60/litre. Diesel's about AU$1.80+/litre. That's almost the dearest on the planet.
The price of petrol in New Zealand is over 2 dollars per litre.


Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 27, 2013
In witness protection.
I've totally lost the plot....
Originally Posted by bobbysdad
This country is stuffed…… and the population are none the wiser, because the truth is NEVER out there.

Our current petrol prices are around AU$1.60/litre. Diesel's about AU$1.80+/litre. That's almost the dearest on the planet.
The price of petrol in New Zealand is over 2 dollars per litre.

…. and that's why I carefully used the word "almost"

Wow, I feel for you guys…..


Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 27, 2013
In witness protection.
I've totally lost the plot....
… sorry, I meant as in the $.
Why should the NZ$ be worth $0.05c less than the Ozzie $?
If we share a common trade, then why can't we share a common $?
I pro'ly know the answer to that already, but it's THAT time of night where I don't know anything at the moment.

Anyway, don't bother explaining right now Lee. It'll just go in one ear, and get lost trying to find its way out the other.
Long day, early night…. (the valium doesn't help right now either)

I should go to bed before I forget how to get there…..

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation

Our current petrol prices are around AU$1.60/litre. Diesel's about AU$1.80+/litre. That's almost the dearest on the planet. Most of that is tax which in turn gets paid back to the oil co's as subsidies.
Gasoline prices here are about .90 per liter and we complain about it. About 4.8 cents of the liter price is Federal taxes and 12.5 cents is State tax. If Lee has anything to say about it the prices will go up. :rabbit:

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
We have two major players in the gas/service station market and whatever they do the rest follow suit. Gas prices always get jacked up on Thursdays for the weekend. Any hint of trouble and they bump the prices, and of course when the issue sget solved or dissappears the prices take forever to fall back down. Even within different locations of the same station prices vary widely on what they perceive their customers can afford to pay,
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