If Irene heads a smidge to the west, you'll be in some shit for sure, stock up on goodies just incase. I assume ya'll had generators living in the boonies like ya do
What's a generator? All my lines are underground. It is everything around us that isn't. I need the rain. This stuff doesn't scare me. I slept thru tornadoes that were 2 blocks away and the sirens were blasting in OKC. Let it come I have homeowners insurance. LOL
Even back when I was a kid. The longest w/o electricity 3 days. Oh well if it happens it does. I'm not going to spend 400.00 for a generator. Starting to rain now.
I forget, is it change the light bulb or light a match? To light a match you need a fart, to have a fart you need someone to pull on your finger, jeez, this is getting complicated.
I want the rain bad. Last week everyone I talk to got 3 and 4 inches. We got a 1 inch storm. Needed more. I think I know why my fruit was smaller this year. I didn't use my Tree Loom during the growing period. So tomorrow I guess I'll wet where I'm tilling down and till some more. Need to order some hydrogen and gypsum. I will have a nice back yard before I die. LOL
We are getting outer bands now. The west side gets all the rain the east side gets hell. 30% rain. Just became 100% Looked at the bands on radar. Lived thru David sitting in Mobile Bay for 24 hours. It almost emptied the bay drawing the water. I lived in Mobile. Had 24 inches of rain in 24 hours. The only place with electricity was my complex and the Circle K. That meant beer. Rode it out in comfort. LOL
I'm fine. Haven't looked outside or at the weather. We have power. LOL DOM wants their money. LOL I have gotten .51 inches of rain. Winds at 11 MPH. Just looked it is 2 counties over. I need more rain. LOL