These amps look like industrial amps designed to be used in that type of setting. Maybe as a shaker table amp or some such thing. But Crown had that market and I don't know if a vibration table is going to respond better to a tube amp vs. a sand amp. These just don't exude that $25k value to me. Others may like the industrial look. Cost of the tubes shouldn't be the price of the amps or even close as there is more to the amp than that big tube. The quality of the transformers and build of the units come into play, too. I guess I'll just have to suffer with a lowly 50 wpc mono tube amps I have that look great and sound better and they generally sell for less than the MC-30 or 8B. Still need to determine if they sound better than those two highly sought after amps. They should, they are more than a decade newer than either.