Guys I'm trying to fix an outlook express problem. To do so I need to use windows explorer to find a file to delete, but when trying to open windows explorer it opens My Documents.....any ideas?
Guys I'm trying to fix an outlook express problem. To do so I need to use windows explorer to find a file to delete, but when trying to open windows explorer it opens My Documents.....any ideas?
Guys I'm trying to fix an outlook express problem. To do so I need to use windows explorer to find a file to delete, but when trying to open windows explorer it opens My Documents.....any ideas?
Joe, I'm trying to delete outbox.dbx .It appears to be a corrupted file and Jer has told m to delete outbox.dbx and the next time I open outlook Express it will create a new outbox.dbx.
OK, it hasn't been saving any to sent because they don't leave the outbox to sent items. I checked sent items since I've had to start deleting from the outbox to stop the multiple sendings. Jer there is A LOT in my sent box, any shortcut to transfer other than hold control down and scroll for a minute?
I know it could be for the sake of nostalgia and the challenge but why is anybody still using Outlook Express?
Have you tried migrating to Outlook(dot com/ I stopped getting OE mail at least three years ago and had to go to Hotmail/Outlook because not only did it stop getting sent to but it's not even part of Windows 7-on. I don't even know how to reactivate the port settings if it does still work.
OK, it hasn't been saving any to sent because they don't leave the outbox to sent items. I checked sent items since I've had to start deleting from the outbox to stop the multiple sendings. Jer there is A LOT in my sent box, any shortcut to transfer other than hold control down and scroll for a minute?
Steve, because I've never had a problem with it and it is what came on my computer. This is the first computer I ever bought, in 2004 I believe and never had it lockup, crash, not lose any data at all. Why would I even know?
Wont transfer at all. but that's ok I did backup after 10 years the other day during this e-mail thing so no biggie. Also think it's will be in the recycle bin??
Wont transfer at all. but that's ok I did backup after 10 years the other day during this e-mail thing so no biggie. Also think it's will be in the recycle bin??
Wont transfer? You mean it wont copy to another folder? That means more than likely your sent items is corrupt. Also... it could be VERY possible that you may have ran into a limit if ya got 10 years of sent items in Outlook Express.
How big is that sent items file? If it's right at or near to 2 Gigs, you're doomed... this is when I'll start pushing harder for you to get that other puter going, because part of it is to migrate (now possibly.. SAVE) your old email.