Hey Lee,
I was thinking devious thoughts. Ya know how we like to find "hot" transformers, and how the output of the amps will drop if the line level goes below 117 VAC...
What if we hook up the power line cord to our VARIAC and raise the power, to say, 130 VAC. I would think that would be within the tolerance of the components, right? The kids who do amplifier competitions run their 12V amplifiers to 18V (a 50% increase) and they get mad levels of power into 1 Ohm of speaker loading, probably at 1-10% distortion and 150 db. Not that we are trying to do that. Are we?
I can try it tomorrow on a WOAPL 700B. I imagine the fuse would be the weak link at 10 Amps. That fuse would limit the power draw to 1300 Watts, up from a theoretical "normal" of 1170 Watts from 117 VAC. My VARIAC maxes out at 143.4 VAC. The label says it is good for 1.4KVA, the rated voltage at 10 Amps. I know I've got a 15 Amp fuse around here somewhere.
I'll make a measure of the rail voltages with the VARIAC turned up after I disconnect the WOA driver board. I wonder how much abuse the board could reliably take above +100 VDC and -100 VDC, do you think Joe planned for such devious thoughts? The regulators would keep the voltage low for the front end but Q5 and Q10 would feel that additional voltage, but they are 350V devices anyway.
I was thinking devious thoughts. Ya know how we like to find "hot" transformers, and how the output of the amps will drop if the line level goes below 117 VAC...
What if we hook up the power line cord to our VARIAC and raise the power, to say, 130 VAC. I would think that would be within the tolerance of the components, right? The kids who do amplifier competitions run their 12V amplifiers to 18V (a 50% increase) and they get mad levels of power into 1 Ohm of speaker loading, probably at 1-10% distortion and 150 db. Not that we are trying to do that. Are we?
I can try it tomorrow on a WOAPL 700B. I imagine the fuse would be the weak link at 10 Amps. That fuse would limit the power draw to 1300 Watts, up from a theoretical "normal" of 1170 Watts from 117 VAC. My VARIAC maxes out at 143.4 VAC. The label says it is good for 1.4KVA, the rated voltage at 10 Amps. I know I've got a 15 Amp fuse around here somewhere.
I'll make a measure of the rail voltages with the VARIAC turned up after I disconnect the WOA driver board. I wonder how much abuse the board could reliably take above +100 VDC and -100 VDC, do you think Joe planned for such devious thoughts? The regulators would keep the voltage low for the front end but Q5 and Q10 would feel that additional voltage, but they are 350V devices anyway.