Re: What cartridge are you using? What have you used, and wh
Lessee, I've had a bunch, when I got the Thorens it had an Ortophon or a B&O cart, the one that looked like a silver bullett with a clear nose, my little sis dropped it on the mat and yanked the cantilever outta it
, it was a pretty badass cart in it's day. Then I bought a Grace F9E for about $250 (a hellufa lot of dough for a young kid in HS), awesome cart. Then the new moving coils came out and I bought a Audio Qwest AQ404, I loved that one too but, I had to hang the counterweight on the SME arm all the way off the back to get a good VTF and never felt comfortable playing it like that.
Now I have the Shure V15 IV with a NOS stylus, due for a JICO SAS replacement next year...$$$'s. I bought a Grado Gold for Dale's Pioneer from Jerry a couple years ago and that one is very nice as well.
If I had to pick a fav, it would be the Grace, it had such a nice sound (I still play many tapes I recorded with it on the Thorens, and I just love that smooth, detailed Grace sound). They're selling for around $300 in need of a refurb by soundsmith on da bay lately. I might hunt down one again next year. The Shure V15's are no slouch and were designed for my tonearm, so I might stick with what I have.