We had to put Anniepoo down last night


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
To the Rainbow Bridge she had to go :cry: :cry:

She was in a lot of pain, the vet saiad her heart sack was full of blood, could have been from a tumor, she was 14, Dale had since she was a puppy, I only knew her for the last 7 yers. She was am active fetcher till the last days. She would get that ball all slobbery and bing it back with her tongue almost on the ground for you to throw it just one more time please....please!!

I wish he would have done something sooner, but with the move and all, he just wanted to wait and see if she would snap out of it, yesterday it was clear she wasn't getting any better, CRAP! I hate this, she was such a sweet girl :love4: :grommit: :love4:



Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
Yeah man.. damn that really is a tough thing to do. I have one going on 13 or so, and it's going to break a lot of hearts. But I always imagine them.. anew.. running in the fields past the bridge chasing rabbits, and having a grand ole time.

Heart goes out to ya, Stu...


Veteran and General Yakker
Jun 14, 2010
Springpatch, IL
It's Beer Season!
Craig my heart goes out, it is so sad, they give you every thing they have right up till they die, including their life if that is what it takes for them to make you happy, there is nothing else in this world like the devotion of a good dog.

As you know I am going through this with Putz, his heart is failing, so I really do understand your pain. So far Putz isn't in pain so I am giving him the best rest of his life that I can.

My suggestion is to get a puppy, they can never replace your loss and aare not meant to, but start a new relationship with a new friend for their life.

The saddest thing is to see a dog that has lost their best friend, they seem to no longer have a reason to live.



Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
Thanks guys that means alot right now. I'd been spoiling her lately since I wouldn't be seeing her that much anymore, so she was diggin' me lately :D , she'd usually look up from her spot in the vines in that bottom pic when I walked up the driveway, see me then say "oh, it's just you" and lay her head back down. Lately it was go grab the fav ball tail waggin' "let's play buddy!!!" "where's my treat??" :grommit:

There's lot's of dogs at my new place, I'll make friends with them, I just can't bear another puppy right now, then I'll get another Akita when I own a place (most rentals don't allow them).

Fast Forward

Forum Moderator
Staff member
Jun 14, 2010
Chaska Minnesota
when I was married I had an Irish Setter he was smart EZ to train dumb as a Stump my kids who were small at the time always had clean faces and the kitchen floor was always clean,,when i got divorced my ex-wife took my dog just to be a C,,,,, when she moved to Arizona she took the Dog instead of giving it back to me,,,I loved and missed that Mutt ,,never owned another,,,I know how you feel Stu


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I still miss my Border Collie, Judy and the tomcet I took in after the drive-by in 2006 when the college kids I had for neighbors abandoned him.

His name was Tommy, for the other half of Jerry and for the The Who, of COURSE. He was a good semi-housecat and I didn't know him for even a year but he was already well mannered...just not fixed. He was a Catsanova and the alpha male in the area and one day he wasn't and it took nearly two years to find out the police put him down after the last stand.

After two weeks I finally broke down and cried, knowing the wait was futile.

My Collie was lost while I was at school. I came home to find she wasn't to be found and I was told she had diabetes and had to be put to sleep. I protested and proclaimed that, "If I get diabetes I hope you won't put ME to sleep"?!?

Thank goodness they never have...

Thank you for gracing one of my threads with her. I'm honored to have met her.