I'm looking to veneer some speakers, maybe a receiver and am looking for a birch (or something close) wood grain vinyl veneer. I'm trying to match the decor in the room. Any online site suggestion?
I don't have knowledge of any vinyl sources, but is this for one of your prized 'Sui's?? Go the real wood route, it's not that much more expensive and looks and feels like it cost ten times what you paid for it, Home Depot can order what ever you want, or I have sources down here and can ship to you. Send me some pics of what you're looking to match with, I love design and spending other peoples money
It's for the EPI's mainly. Vinyl's an easier route to go with these speakers. They're rather cheap lower end speakers, so I don't want to put a lot into them. I might do the Sui too and vinyl again is an easier route to go there too. The metal case is covered by a dark wood grain vinyl now, so I could just cover it something lighter in color and be done. Yes, I'm rather lazy....
The closest I've found is oak by Dayton.....it may have to do.