Very interesting Pioneer dual deck that of COURSE needs belts...


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable

Almost a typical early 1990s or so dual cassette model with the controls below the doors and eject buttons at the top next to the doors, but THIS one has a unique 'Sound EQ' feature and you can switch in presets for PORTABLES and CAR AUDIO or OFF. The deck has Auto BLE as well as Dolby B-C and HX PRO and the design could be called the intermediary between the late eighties decks and the middle nineties models with the curved face that the last Pioneer cassette decks of the line would adopt in similarity to surround sound A/V models had before 1993-4.

Alas, the decks both click into reverse endlessly without moving the tape at all, a sure sign of bad belts.