I've still got a fault or two along the antenna line and only get the two stations I can get unamplified, the PBS and ABC channels, both in UHF. I was on the internet for the third year at midnight. I didn't post and Happy New Year greetings, I no longer know who the hell is on those countdown shows, not since the Bay City Rollers and it's one more year you could go in.
I told everybody in shorts today that if if were a REAL January 1st I'd be suspecting you were looking for beer.
Right now I'm living with 2 channels and it hasn't killed me. There has been so much more to do. I have nine dollars, one for a refill co-payment tomorrow but I have all the food I wanted until tomorrow, utilities and rent paid, all the tapes and other items I wanted from online sources are paid for and bath towels, a rake and one more Napa cassette organizer.
R.E.M and Dead Kennedys on VHS, Joni Mitchell-Shadows And Light on laserdisc, Mel Bay Guitar Method book one.
I'm watching a 13" Sharp with the raster off CCW and it belonged to my father. The sound from the side firing speaker is not too bad.
One last dressed up budget pizza for the month and back to normal.
One last thing. Dad and Mom got my niece one last present before he died-earrings and a necklace with the first letter of her name on it. I asked my Mom and her father if she had a jewely box (no). I said I'd solve that so I did and also got an enameled daisies pin. I know she will be pleased. A twelve year old girl has to have such things.