The Rocky Horror Picture Show re-made


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
At first I was like WTF?? Why?? I now think it will be awesome, Laverne Cox, a real transvestite playing the lead should be amazing :happy2:

On Fox October 20th!!

Btw, I have the Lp, and Tim Curry lived in my building in NYC in the '80s, had him over for drinks, very sweet man, he told me David Bowie was his idol and mentor and he did the role for him in his honor...Yes, I shamelessly begged him to bring David over next time he came to NY but, alas that never happened.

Probably a good thing though, I mean David Freakin' Bowie in my apartment??!?!! I would have just dropped dead at the doorway letting him in *Thud*

I expect my lovely home to be thourgholy trashed for the opening night :toothy1: BrawHaaahaaaHaaa!!!!!!!
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Veteran and General Yakker
May 20, 2014
Northeast Illinois
Always learning!
Good timing on the Halloween release. Doubt if I'll see it in the theater (only cause I don't go to movies - 2 in the last 20 years) but looking forward to eventually seeing it.


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
*Bump, get out your fishnet stockings, your motorcycle, Scott toilet paper, rice...etc...It's just a jump to the left, and then a step to the riiiigghht, put your hands on your hips, and bring your knees in tiiigght! :eek:


Veteran and General Yakker
May 14, 2014
Southwest Kootenays BC
No such things as bad days, just bad moments
I never understood why any movies are re-made. Are the originals deficient in some way? Do producers/directors feel they can do a better job? Do studios or whatever run out of ideas? Are they trying to cash in on a trend?

Out of curiosity, has anyone here enjoyed a re-make more? Personally, I know I would be constantly picking away at anything different. I liked Rocky Horror a lot and saw it many times. A re-make to me is sacrilege.


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
I never understood why any movies are re-made. Are the originals deficient in some way? Do producers/directors feel they can do a better job? Do studios or whatever run out of ideas? Are they trying to cash in on a trend?

Out of curiosity, has anyone here enjoyed a re-make more? Personally, I know I would be constantly picking away at anything different. I liked Rocky Horror a lot and saw it many times. A re-make to me is sacrilege.
I'm going to agree up to a point, the singing was far better IMHO. I Loved Ben Vereen and Adam Lambert :iconbiggrin:

Tears down my face seeing how far Tim's health has slid, no one can ever take his place. I hope this remake makes millions of young'uns watch the original! You can't even get a ticket at the only theater in Tucson showing it until December.

I'm so blessed to have met him and I still have the soundtrack on Lp :thumbright:


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
Very true guys, there was about 6 or 7 pop ups promoting the music being available tomorrow on i tunes...if it gets some one into the original, I'm all for it!! And getting people to understand that we really are a merry band of misfits, no matter what planet we are from :iconbiggrin:


Veteran and General Yakker
Nov 1, 2014
Gaston, SC
Victim of the record bug since age five
I never understood why any movies are re-made.
Case in point: "Bedazzled." The original from 1967 starring Peter Cook and Dudley Moore was full of the dry sarcastic wit that only the British can execute with precision. The 2000 remake with Brendan Fraser and Elizabeth Hurley sucked like a black hole.

Case #2: "The Haunting." The 1963 version was probably the scariest black-and-white movie ever made. The 1999 remake had excellent CGI, but it bypassed human imagination- which is what made the first movie so frightening.

(The list goes on, but I'll stop here.)

A re-make to me is sacrilege.

Don't fuck with the classics- you'll ruin them...


Veteran and General Yakker
May 14, 2014
Southwest Kootenays BC
No such things as bad days, just bad moments
Those two were great movies!! And I had no idea there were remakes. Did they stiff at theatres?

I am a British TV fan and probably watched the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series 100 times. The movie based on the series was god awful.

Someone thought remaking Fawlty Towers was a good idea and called it Payne. It had John Larroquette who's not bad and I looked forward to watching when the series started. What a piece of shit show that was. I didn't even bother watching all of the first episode.

Just now, I looked it up - had to. Nine episodes made with one unaired. Gee, I wonder why.

On the other hand, I liked All in the Family and it was based on a UK series Till Death Us Do Part which I've never seen but curious about it. Maybe after being accustomed to the US version, it might have sucked but it ran on English TV a long time.

I guess Norman Lear was on the ball with that one.

Three's Company was another. The UK original was Man About The House which I did see a few episodes of and it was far superior. I never saw more than a few episodes of Three's a Company, I thought it was inane and contrived but a lot of people obviously liked it.

I think I read some time ago an idea to do a remake of Doctor in the House was being floated. There must have been second thoughts thank God.

I wonder if Stan from On The Busses was based on Ralph Kramden ?
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Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
If you saw (how could you NOT) the promos, NBC will air a live version of HAIRSPRAY on December 7th.