Tears For Fears, the game, the love


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
This may be a repeat post, sorry...I'm a night owl now.

I was walking down Broadway in NYC in 1989 and who comes up but who comes up but Curt Smith from T4F's, I said dude I have 'Woman in Chains' stuck in my head...great tune...he said "It is isn't it"...gave me a hug right there on B'way in front of God and everybody...gave me a kiss on the cheek...did I swoon?? F'n A right I did!!!! And did I have the where-with-all to ask if he could return the favor to my girlfriend Miss Oleta Adams (she's on the Grand Piano in this vid... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLWtrtOC ... re=related ) God what a voice! My Akita I-da-ho would tilt her head when she hit the C's :thumbright: Good times for sure!!!!