Hi Lee,
Sorry about not responding earlier about the CDs you had given me. There are quite a few in the last batch I haven't played, yet. Undoubtedly, "Vaccine" by Younger Brother ranks amongst my top picks. I did play the "God Particle" by Shpongle. There were two tracks on the CD: were those downloads from the internet? You gave me 3 copies of that CD, so you were definitely shpongled or smoking roses that night. What was surprising, was that although I didn't know the artists, I had heard some of the tunes from Rare Earth and Traffic , before. Great music! "Circuit Breaker" by Tripswitch is another good album I enjoyed. Humblepie and The Zoo are groups I would love to listen to more from. The Zoo has lots of rock energy and Humblepie has that classic rhythm and blues and a bit of gospel intertwined. Pousette-Dart Band's music is beautifully laden with instrumental and acoustic guitar. It's a very good easy listening album. Some of the other artists, like the Marshall Tucker Band, Little River Band, Alan Parsons, Loggins and Messina, and Moody Blues were ones I didn't have, but do, now. And I liked Sea Level because it's got that modern jazz touch to it.
Because I returned to work about 4 weeks ago, after a lengthy layoff, I haven't spent as much time as I would like to listening to tunes. But, there are plenty more for me to catch up on. I do appreciate your taste in music, as it's similar to mine. If I'm a bit slow in going through the stack it's only because I'm old school and want to hear the CD from start to finish, rather than doing the intros to each song. Most times, I play them more than twice before going onto the next one.
Thanks once again for introducing me to some groups I would never have heard otherwise, Lee!