Slime away the grit and grime

Jun 13, 2024
Peoples Republic of Vleuten
I've been using a claybar for years on cars to decontaminate paintwork before machine polishing so I already knew the benefits of using a pliable tacky substance to remove grime, so it should have come as no surprise that something for car interiors would emerge sooner or later.
Came accross this stuff in my local Lidl recently. It's reminiscent of 'Slime' - that green goopy stuff that was around in the 80's that would get stuck in hair and cause all manner of problems when stuffed into teachers car door handles etc. not that I would *kof* know anything about that, honest. >.<

It's not clay per se but does function in a similar manner in that it employs the materials' tackiness to pick up grime from nooks and crannies that otherwise your vacuum brush etc might miss.
Worked a treat on my TCD5M and has brought the function keys up like new. Detritus always gets embedded in those keys and looks disgusting.
Will be trying it out on a few old yammies that need a good clean too.....

Jun 13, 2024
Peoples Republic of Vleuten
Cool. Is it so much better than blu-tac? I bet it's a bunch more expensive.

I haven't worn a watch since the 90's. I stopped wearing watches after I got 'steamed' on the London Underground on 2 separate occasions by 6ft gorillas armed with machetes and a propensity to shout quite a lot in order to amplify their intended intimidation and terror. It was pretty effective tbh.
On both occasions I felt lucky to get away with just having 2 relatively shit watches and my other meagre student possessions taken without a scratch.
I don't miss watches and don't actually really need one these days anyway.
Happy days :)