They work perfectly but got a replacement pair of pads and foam discs from Harman a couple of months ago. The reason was that I intend to give them to a friend to use if and when she ever digs out her stereo. The original pads were naked foam and would sometimes trap a hair or two and you know how distressing that can be!
I just checked and those Fostex are model T10. I did read up on them after I got them and the opinions were mixed but basically nothing to write home about. But during the brief listen I gave them, they sounded fine to me and they are comfortable like the K141 Monitors.
Agreed that $2 was a theft but the pair of K240 Monitor's (also with gold badge and in perfect condition) I got at from IA's garage sale last June for $5 was not too spendy either.
I've owned K240's before and they're my favorite - good bass and comfortable. The worst one's I ever had comfort wise were Koss PRO 4AA's and Koss /e9 electrostatics with the power supply. Both weighed a ton and my temples could take no more pressure after 30 minutes or so. Had some AKG 340 electrostatics once that didn't need outboard power but they were too big and awkward.
I like headphones I can fall asleep while wearing - kind of like you forget they're there. And, if you accidentally step on the cord and rip them off your head, they should be light enough to pull away easily and be undamaged when they hit the floor.
There's another set of "cans" (literally) I have stashed away as a future project - Toshiba HR-50's and writing this has just made me remember them. I got them free from where I cannot remember but it was a long time ago. It says "Cross Field" on them and I think they have some kind of dual elelment. There's a switch that turns that effect on and off but that switch is broken therefore the headphones don't work. I tried getting them apart once to fix the switch or bypass it but failed. I couldn't figure it out. Now that I recall having them, I'll dig them out, post some pics and perhaps one of the good people on this forum will have helpful hint. I'd like to hear what that "Cross Field" effect sounds like.