The Dreaded haboob (.) (.) hits again... ... 17327.html
Ain't nuthin' nice! This one was a bit smaller than the 7/5 one, only 3,000ft high?!? My baby sis is pissed off! that crap gets in everwhere in the house, her computer is toast, her stereo is KaPut!...I think she complains too much, but shes my sis
I told her that's what you get for living up there!!!!! Freaki'n worse than Colorado Hehe!
Ain't nuthin' nice! This one was a bit smaller than the 7/5 one, only 3,000ft high?!? My baby sis is pissed off! that crap gets in everwhere in the house, her computer is toast, her stereo is KaPut!...I think she complains too much, but shes my sis

I told her that's what you get for living up there!!!!! Freaki'n worse than Colorado Hehe!