OPA1611 vs OPA134 or OPA1612 vs OPA2134


Chief Journeyman
Sep 8, 2012
I talked yesterday to my buddy Greg B. who builds large PA speaker systems.
(NOTE: We once owned a recording studio together back in the late 1970's through the early 1980's.)

He talked to me about OPA1611's versus OPA134's as well as the OPA1612's versus OPA2134's.

It appears that the OPA1611/2 have a lower noise voltage, wider bandwidth and higher slew rate than the OPA134 and OPA2134's.

Has anybody had a chance to try the OPA1611/2's out yet?

Lee indicated: "They have yet to come up in discussion....".



Staff member
May 15, 2011
Sterling, MA
Old 'Arn Enthusiast
I talked yesterday to my buddy Greg B. who builds large PA speaker systems.
(NOTE: We once owned a recording studio together back in the late 1970's through the early 1980's.)

He talked to me about OPA1611's versus OPA134's as well as the OPA1612's versus OPA2134's.

It appears that the OPA1611/2 have a lower noise voltage, wider bandwidth and higher slew rate than the OPA134 and OPA2134's.

Has anybody had a chance to try the OPA1611/2's out yet?

Lee indicated: "They have yet to come up in discussion....".

hi Ed
i have experimented with the gamut of BB and AD op amps including the 134 and 1611. I end up gravitating to the 134 for a couple of practical reasons. Both devices have specs that are vanishingly low from an audio spectrum basis.

The 134 remains available in the DIP package in singles, duals and quads which make them plug in replacements for many industry standard lesser devices. The 1611 is only available in SOIC which means having to use an adapter (which always compromises something). This is big for me because most of my users would freeze up if forced to solder in SMT devices (although a fully assembled SMT PL14_20 has crossed my mind).

The second reason is input bias current. With a FET input, the 134 has at least a couple orders of magnitude lower bias current. In my application (and most others as well) this translates to a true zero offset voltage at the power amp output. This is not achieved with the bipolar input on the 1611.

Both great devices, it is good to have choice. National Semi also has some nice devices that I has tried but they have similar drawbacks and it seems that since TI acquired NS that they have thinned the garden somewhat. Not so with the Burr Brown acquisition which occurred many years ago.


Staff member
May 15, 2011
Sterling, MA
Old 'Arn Enthusiast
Grear timing for this discussion

Joe how do you feel about the oap627 ??
Tried them too, not as good sounding as the OPA134 and requires a MINIMUM of 10V (+/- 5V) in order to properly perform so you get start up and shut down noise.