After much distraction and the tasks performed, which were very important to the wife, I finally had the chance to put the Onix in my system. All I can say is ELEGENCE. In every aspect, pure unadulterated ELEGENCE. She is a beautiful piece of audio technology. From the protective cloth bag to the sheer heft, to the things that really matte….sht sound….my synopsis is simple….ELAGANT. It is probably one of the prettiest audio components I have ever laid eyes and ears on. She certainly looks the part and does not fail to perform at every level. The pure emotion elicited from the first notes to the last, she is a solid performer.
It took me about a half hour to determine how to run all the interconnects, as I have changed nothing in my component rack for years. I even got the manual out, and had to READ the damn thing.
But a CD later, I’m still trying to find my jaw…it’s is somewhere on the floor around here. I am now playing one of the Younger Brothers Cd’s Lee included in the parcel. I really don’t want to take the time right now to do a full review….I want to go listen more. I must reconfigure the slot and reduce its size to get to the proper enclosure tuning for the A-7’s..can’t believe they shipped these with 211 sq in of slot…tuning the box to something like 80-100 hz. I will be cutting a new piece of MDF to reduce the size to 75 sq in lowering the tuning to , I think< 35-40 hz.
Wow, detail, articulation, subtleties I’ve never heard before. Now I’m going to have to stop buying the $29 WallyWorld DVD players. It’s like I’ve gone from a Model T to a Ferrari…
I gotta go listen, so more later.
Hats off and thank you to all those involved in procuring these wonderful units and doing the rebuild/refurb turning these fabulous machines into something I did not think possible.
It took me about a half hour to determine how to run all the interconnects, as I have changed nothing in my component rack for years. I even got the manual out, and had to READ the damn thing.
But a CD later, I’m still trying to find my jaw…it’s is somewhere on the floor around here. I am now playing one of the Younger Brothers Cd’s Lee included in the parcel. I really don’t want to take the time right now to do a full review….I want to go listen more. I must reconfigure the slot and reduce its size to get to the proper enclosure tuning for the A-7’s..can’t believe they shipped these with 211 sq in of slot…tuning the box to something like 80-100 hz. I will be cutting a new piece of MDF to reduce the size to 75 sq in lowering the tuning to , I think< 35-40 hz.
Wow, detail, articulation, subtleties I’ve never heard before. Now I’m going to have to stop buying the $29 WallyWorld DVD players. It’s like I’ve gone from a Model T to a Ferrari…
I gotta go listen, so more later.
Hats off and thank you to all those involved in procuring these wonderful units and doing the rebuild/refurb turning these fabulous machines into something I did not think possible.