Business Class.. means if it goes out, they got 4 hours to get someone out to fix it and I get better support.. and, they don't care how much I use it. Quiet node.. means basically that those in my neighborhood who also have Comcast either don't use it much or are just a few, so basically less chance of me "congesting" them (which sometimes makes Comcast want to look at what I'm doing closer).
Hehe.. well, I just got done getting new guts for the computer in the living room (hooked up to TV), my wife now has a cable where she can hook her laptop up to her TV, and I've had a TV as a monitor up here for awhile. So we all's got TV's hooked to computers, and dem 'puters can definitely put out nice picture quality as long as you find the right source.
Just finished tonight riggin' up an antenna. It's a cheap old pair of rabbit ears, but I have it hooked up to all 3 using the old satellite cabling plus put a signal amp inline. Works great.. I gets like .. 20 channels which if ya think about before cable, that aint bad.