Thanks for the warm welcome guys!
Be nice on the Pioneer Elite front there Stumeister. When it comes to home theater, Pioneer Elite is my gear of choice apart from a Sony 55" inch LED panel. Back in the day the choice was hard between the ES and Elite lines but I made the choice for audio and I'm glad I did. That's not a bad reflection on Pioneer Elite by any means, I know folks that went that direction and those components have solidly stood the test of time - just like Sony ES gear. I still may spring for an Elite tape deck one of these days but it will have to be the right one - at the right price.
I've added a Maverick Audio headphone amp back in the spring and a low-hour TC-K870ES to the deck stack of my existing ES ensemble. Other than that the ES library is still the same as it has been for 20+ years; 2000ESD processor, ST-S730ES tuner, two mono blocked TA-N55ES amps and a two top-tier ES compact disk players. Denon DPL 62 for LPs and B&W speakers and subwooder to round things out. On the deck front I've got too many to mention but my favorite is still by far the 870ES.
I've been enjoying a pair of Ultrasone cans going on nearly 2 years now and can't say enough good things about them, they are super comfortable and mimic open air speaker listening even though they are closed cans. They get a lot of use.
I'm not one to post up a lot of pictures but I'll throw a few up in the coming days since you asked.