Maybe not that old. I'm not quite social security eligible. Soon rabbit, soon. My first exposure to Phase Linear was a DRS-250 that drove my Ohm-F's. The Ohm-F's suffered a catastrophic failure and were traded up to Ohm Walsh 5's. The only problem with the DRS-250 in 30 years has been some crazy silicon-unobtanium device early in its life. It still cranks along, though now I think there is a cold solder joint that has finally given way as there is no sound in one channel when it's cold unless I put some weight on the chassis and it springs to life. My latest find is the set you see in my avatar which I scored on the list for 2 bills and some change. It all works, though on occasion the amp has some strange high level broadband noise.... Sounds great though. I'm hoping I can get some direction on rehabbing or modding these 'new school' PL's. I suppose I should start a separate thread for that and then venture down the rabbit hole....Anyway, I like the brand of crazy you have 'round here and look forward to maybe adding to it.