I got ythis note from FedEx today; I imagine it applies to all the shipping companies. You may decide to order things from other parts of the world for the next few months.
FedEx Regulatory News
Be prepared for July 1 when NAFTA expires
We’re reaching out to remind you that effective July 1, 2020, the United States, Mexico, Canada agreement begins (USMCA). NAFTA remains in place until June 30, 2020. This will be a hard transition date. Shipments that arrive in the US, Mexico, or Canada on July 1 will follow USMCA rules.
What does this mean for me?
If you’re shipping between these countries, USMCA may require new data elements. Learn what is required to make sure your shipments clear customs, receive correct duty treatment, and have the certification documents.
Where can I find out more?
Read the full article online in our Regulatory Alerts section. Also visit fedex.com/usmca for more information about the new agreement rules, new requirements to certify the origin of the goods, required Certification of Origin document options and new value thresholds.
Thanks again for choosing FedEx.
What does this mean for me?
If you’re shipping between these countries, USMCA may require new data elements. Learn what is required to make sure your shipments clear customs, receive correct duty treatment, and have the certification documents.
Where can I find out more?
Read the full article online in our Regulatory Alerts section. Also visit fedex.com/usmca for more information about the new agreement rules, new requirements to certify the origin of the goods, required Certification of Origin document options and new value thresholds.
Thanks again for choosing FedEx.