Steve----IC= integrated circuit.....8pin DIP....
Well, ain't I stuck in the past...oops.
And for that matter, I'm watching old Popeye cartoons on channel 22... Bluto and Popeye need Olive's vote to win the presidential election but she had to finish her enormous set of chores first so the guys race to finish them and win her vote...Popeye wins of course.
That's a better race than the overly cartoonish fight we have this year.
And before that Popeye and Olive are going to get married in the morning until Olive dreams about having twin boys and all the havoc they create (playing Indians and tying her to the coat stand to set her on fire) when Popeye arrives to take her to the altar and she swears she'll never marry him and drops the dresser on him.
Ironically, in the 80s cartoon show they are married and they have those same twin boys.
I forgot about IC SOCKETS. At least he didn't need submini
Cheese and crackers for breakfast and my sleepy cat! (No, she's not for breakfast?)