Hi Lee also please give me the time base setting on your scope for the magnified version of you scope trace (100_846.JPG) so I can approximate the frequency it is oscillating at.
Sorry for all the questions but...
From a decoupling capacitor perspective, it appears that Z1 is bypassed by C6 on pin 14 (B+)and C13 on pin 7 (B-). I notice no high quality ceramic or film bypassing across C6 or C13 which is questionable design practice on a wideband op amp with 3MHz GBW product. There should be a 0.01uF or 0.047uF or 0.1uF cap from pin 14 (across C6) and pin 7 (across C13) of Z1 to ground.
I see no bypass at all on Z2 and there should be at least the 0.01uF type bypass as recommended above. My best guess is that pin 1 of Z2 is your oscillation culprit but that is just my guess based on the fact that it is a unity gain stage. Unity gain configurations are the least stable op amp configuration.
Joe, i've been busy getting stuff ready for tomorrow. .2ms was the setting on the scope, and I was scoping the outputs. I can scope the pins here in a bit.
OK, just got in from our oil recycling project 120 miles away. I'll get that info to ya Joe. Regardless of whether It's Z1 or Z2, should I bypass the pins as you suggest just for good measure? And where do I tag ground? On the IC ground pin?
For Z1 bypass right across the leads of C6 and C13. For Z2, bypass across the leads of C40 and C41 which are close to Z2. In addition I recommend a ceramic 0.1uF from pin 7 to pin 14 on Z1 and Z2. This is a does no harm type of improvement. I notice that these big electrolytic bypass caps are a bit away from these high speed ICs.
This treatment will provide both common mode and differential bypassing. A preamp really should have regulated power supplies for better noise rejection but I noticed they flew economy on this design.