Finally went to the docs today. Was so run down I had to admit defeat and enlist the help of the Alchemists and body sages. I was correct in my diagnosis, not the severity thereof though. If you have a wheezy cough and it's not your normal cough---please see a doctoor ---post haste!!
I've noticed that codeine has a profound affect on the frequency response of the ear, I've had to back off the bass substantially and roll off the stuff around 10-12khz.
If you barked like a California harbour seal, and felt like you were drowning, it's likely you had pneumonia. You should have posted your symptoms here on the forum, and we could have resolved your illness earlier. We figure out more than just your run-of the-mill stereo questions.
Ah , once again I have neglected the the combined knowledge and wisdom of this bucnh of friends and acquaintances. I shall not neglect that in the future my friend. The rig crew was especially worried when in the middle of a mighty yell today----it just drifted to a small squeak. Ponderous, wherein they said if you don't go WE WILL TAKE YOU. Gotta love rig crews, so beaty around the bushy.
We are typical males: just try to power through the shift without taking the day off, even though we know better. And don't go to the doctor, unless begged to.
In this case it wasn'ty a beg, more like 7 healthy brawny, buff, overgunned rig hands telling me enough of this fooilish crap, now I don't know how many it would have taken to get me in their truck, but I knew how many they were going to use.
Ah , once again I have neglected the the combined knowledge and wisdom of this bucnh of friends and acquaintances. I shall not neglect that in the future my friend. The rig crew was especially worried when in the middle of a mighty yell today----it just drifted to a small squeak. Ponderous, wherein they said if you don't go WE WILL TAKE YOU. Gotta love rig crews, so beaty around the bushy.
Codeine HMMM Pneumonia. Lack of oxygen sort of runs you down. LOL Pneumonia is not something to mess with. I ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks. Coughing is good it breaks up the mucus. It is when you don't cough you start drowning. Pain medicine not good. It slows down your breathing thus less oxygen. I had Pleurisy at the same time. They wouldn't give me painkillers. They were pumping Oxy to me thru a breathing tube. I feel for you my friend. Take Care.
i called you yesterday Lee and you scared the living tweedle out of me coughing like that. I'm ordering R&R and to keep away from all those Tokyo girls. That's an order!