INFO: Pictures for Chopper Charles about our trade...


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
This is what I did for you to complete a trade we made in which you sent a reel of 1970s football broadcasts and I am sending the last of the Maxell XLIs we got for that first? Christmas mailing, which I dubbed to a cassette last night from my Revox A 77.

I ended up going straight to the cassette deck to eliminate a ground fault and the recording was very quiet between songs. The CDP the guy used to record all of out lot was *Sony SCD-777ES and the reel was recorded at 7.5 ips.

EDIT: I have to reduce the size of these pics, so I'll get to the post office first and post them and send you a tracking number.
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Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
Tapes in 1.jpg Tapes in 2.jpg Jcards.jpg Side A.jpg Contents.jpg Content stickers intact XLI.jpg Finished copying.jpg Finally killed a set of batteries.jpg Back in the box.jpg Back in the box 2.jpg Reel is in.jpg In the mailer.jpg PACKED!.jpg

It's on the way, I'm sending you the tracking number now, Charles.

Like I said, it made a great cassette recording!