In case you missed it, the Class of 2017 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame were announced


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
In case you missed it, the Class of 2017 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame was announced...


Now Jann Wenner can go cry in his cheery oats, I'm done with the Hall now.

They are:

Joan Baez

Electric Light Orchestra (ELO)


Pearl Jam

Tupac Shakur

and Yes

The others were all first-timers. Yes was a bridesmaid for a long time. The kind of nonsense spouted by some of the Hall members last year was absurd. Steve Miller was inducted last year and let off with a long tongue-lashing of the Hall, when you get him angry you might as well give up, he's a very wise man with more moxie in one hand than five Picassos, and why did he wait almost 50 years?

Who knows if they'll actually perform or take the KISS option and not jam?

There were plenty of things for Miller to be angry win and you can't really afford to bring the family at, what was it, $10,000 a pop?

After that the press conference was cut short, leaving Cheap Trick's members to have an unofficial chat with the media and kinda say "Hey, we're here"? But most of them last year were not happy that Yes wasn't already in.

That's like your parents paying for the wedding and they aren't allowed to come!

Rick Wakeman has already stated he will NOT perform, and who knows if Jon Anderson will join the band...I'm guessing not. Steve Howe was interview and wasn't happy about them not getting there while Chris Squire was alive, but he was at least diplomatic and acknowledged that the fans really want Union 2 to happen, preferably in time for the band's 50th anniversary in 2018, but of course in no way committal.

Yes is basically Howe's band now. Drummer Alan White is coming along after his recovery, ARW (Anderson Rabin and Wakeman) are having a ball and lighting up venues everywhere..."two" Yeses is good for now.

I am happy for all the inductees, I never listened to 2Pac a lot but acknowledge his presence on his genre as being major...and I have loved all the rest for years, so I think it's great.

But I'm done with the hullabaloo.
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WOPL Sniffer

Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 10, 2015
Screw it
The Hall is irrelevant. People buy millions of albums and it has no bearing. The criteria to get in is a pile of HOOEY. They don't care if everybody in the world love them. Maybe they should change the name to "you'll get in if 100 knuckleheads say so".

Some bands waited 30 years to get in and then the mumbling idiot (Eddie Vedder) make it in the first year eligible? Oh yeah, they invented grunge... Whoopie....

Joan Baez??? She hasn't had a current song in 40 years... What, did they think she was going to make a comeback? Or, did they think he music was going to make MORE of an impact or more innovative??? She waited 31 years

The beatles? Give me a break. They sucked back in the day and still do.

I take nothing away from these musicians. They have more talent in 1 Pube than I have in my whole body. It's the hall that's bullshit.

Randy Newman (Short People)??? You gotta be shittin me???

Rush waited 14 years???? Like the day 2112 was released they should have been in. Innovative... You bet, Impact??? Damn right.

Ringo??? OMG what a douche bag.... You can argue all ya want... He couldn't carry Michael Jacksons lost glove....

Elvis??? Don't get me started. WHAT, did he invent a nasty sandwich or something.

The Dave Clark Five??? OMG.... Next you'll tell me the Monkeys were a fake band....

Good Night folks...


Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 18, 2013
Coventry, CT
Fondler errrr... fan of all Nav's avatars
Tupac Shakur


That a'int rock 'n roll


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
No, the Monkees weren't a fake band...they were FABricated, well before 'supergroups' and if they didn't write it, someone with skills like Neil Diamond or Carole King did...don't forget that they were Columbia Pictures' 'Screen Gems' answer to the Beatles.

If you heard or saw Frank Zappa noodling around with Michael Nesmith in outtakes from filming the Monkees show...or was it HEAD...

Somehow they all survived the movie that killed them.


Chief Journeyman
Oct 8, 2011
The Hall is irrelevant. People buy millions of albums and it has no bearing. The criteria to get in is a pile of HOOEY. They don't care if everybody in the world love them. Maybe they should change the name to "you'll get in if 100 knuckleheads say so".

Good Night folks...
The selection is just wrong, too limited in who gets a nod to be on the ballot.

As for who is in and who is not at this point in time, I got no idea. Too many of these acts, both the ones in and not in mentioned by the pissed off fans not on the right side of the fence according to most comments. This shows you that there is a great difference of taste across the board.

This is proven by the discussion I had with an audio buddy. He likes that Daft Punk hit from the recent double album, repeating I just want to get lucky, ad nauseum. I Minidisced his album without that song. I told him it sucked. Well that winter the song made it to the local public radio station in the top 885 songs and to the top hated 88.5 songs of the year, #56 in that latter category both as voted by listeners. Some love, some hate. Different taste.

The hall does not have a fine tuned net, catching way more than r&r at the expense of real R&R. The heck with em.
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Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
Heating that big glass pyramid is half the reason you have to pay 10 grand per guest to get into the ceremony ohmigod!