Things are looking better and Mother Earth is taking things into her own hands. No need to worry about leaving our children a horrible mess. I knew, the minute I took off my tinfoil hat that things were not as bad as we thought. Al Gore? he's a lying pussy, as are all the tree huggers. Let's get back to the good ol days and start flicking butts out the window for Earth Day, and chop down some cherry trees for Arbor Day, and crank up the stereos and get Fugged up. AND, Cousteau couldn't swim either.
On the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, scientists find a surprise: Coastal life
Scientists documented more than 40 coastal species clinging to plastic trash, including mussels, barnacles and shrimp-like amphipods.
On the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, scientists find a surprise: Coastal life
Scientists documented more than 40 coastal species clinging to plastic trash, including mussels, barnacles and shrimp-like amphipods.