Hello from NJ. Finally getting to introduce myself


New Around These Parts
Dec 14, 2023
I contacted Joe 12/23 for estimate on PL400 full comp kit and was ready to order and my older brother took turn for worse. It was long hard 6 months taking care of him and he passed 7/6 sadly. I had been having abdominal pains and find out have liver cancer in sept but treatments going well so figured good time to get on WOPL upgrade for time distraction.
My love for hifi equip started really when had neighbor who was always getting something new and what really started it was his JBL century L100's. then he got these Jbl Flair cabinets with S8 components in it and PL 400. I would sit there and he would put on Teac reel to reel Deep purple made in Japan, he was big Beach Boys fan and such and listen to it for hours. So I hit 18 and saved enough to get JBL 4311b's in 76 hooked to a Sherwood maybe 20 watts receiver ended up getting Yamaha CR 2040 later on.
Fast forward to now and found PL400 on eBay for $150 and figured do a full comp WOPL on it and maybe relive that timeframe of life. This site is amazing for info and direction to any aspect of the rebuild I look forward to the project. I am one of those that need to put everything in my hands before it all sinks in though so until I get kit it won't all sink in.
My neighbor with JBL S8's passed not long ago and I'm trying to track them down but I suspect probably with sibling that will not give them the respect
Thanks if still reading and I will be sure to record my rebuild journey along the way


Vintage 700b

Chief Journeyman
Mar 13, 2019
Welcome Mark,
Incredible group of people here, lots of support, and yes, many of us are facing the challenges of getting older and dealing with all that goes with it. The PL400 project is perfect for restoring the spirit, and you will absolutely love working with the WOPL components.
Glad you found us !


Veteran and General Yakker
Jun 24, 2011
Jacksonville, FL
There are many crossroads in life and many are found when you are up to your elbows in a WOPL upgrade. Occasionally, you turn left when you should have turned right. This site will prevent many wrong turns when you ask for advice because many of us have made those wrong turns, then made a U-turn to get back to normal processes.

When you find yourself scratching your head, seek advice here. We have made most, not all, of the WOPL upgrade mistakes so you don't have to.