Hello from Nashville!


New Around These Parts
Jun 14, 2022
Hello everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself and Share my little PL400 story. I was helping some family out with my aunt and uncle's estate back in March. I came across a set of two PL400’s with a PL4000 buried in their storage unit. They had been sitting in a box untouched since the mid 90’s. The PL4000 was of course busted, but the two amps powered on and worked perfectly. I have been running one of them in my system (at my own peril) since April with my Yamaha NS-1000’s and a recently added Threshold SL-10 preamp as well.

Yesterday I finally “upgraded” my one unit with a Watts Abundant Output Relay. It had been a long time since I broke out a soldering iron for any project; I have to say getting my toes wet again makes me curious about doing a WOPL build in my other PL400. I was hoping I could get some input and advice about getting into a build like that. Is it worth dismantling a perfectly good 400 to build what is essentially a new amp? I contacted white oak back in mid August and never heard back, I know it can take awhile for them to reach out at times.

Thank you all for your time and for having such a nice community going here for these cool old amps. I’ve definitely soaked up a lot of information just lurking here the last couple of months.


Staff member
May 15, 2011
Sterling, MA
Old 'Arn Enthusiast
Hello everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself and Share my little PL400 story. I was helping some family out with my aunt and uncle's estate back in March. I came across a set of two PL400’s with a PL4000 buried in their storage unit. They had been sitting in a box untouched since the mid 90’s. The PL4000 was of course busted, but the two amps powered on and worked perfectly. I have been running one of them in my system (at my own peril) since April with my Yamaha NS-1000’s and a recently added Threshold SL-10 preamp as well.

Yesterday I finally “upgraded” my one unit with a Watts Abundant Output Relay. It had been a long time since I broke out a soldering iron for any project; I have to say getting my toes wet again makes me curious about doing a WOPL build in my other PL400. I was hoping I could get some input and advice about getting into a build like that. Is it worth dismantling a perfectly good 400 to build what is essentially a new amp? I contacted white oak back in mid August and never heard back, I know it can take awhile for them to reach out at times.

Thank you all for your time and for having such a nice community going here for these cool old amps. I’ve definitely soaked up a lot of information just lurking here the last couple of months.
If you reached out, I do not recall seeing it. I am pretty current with my correspondence so please reach out again with your inquiry.



Veteran and General Yakker
Jun 24, 2011
Jacksonville, FL
Welcome, you are in the right place. Of course, you don't have two PL400 amplifiers and a PL4000 until we see some pictures...
The basic PL400 WOPL upgrades are a White Oak Audio capacitor kit and a Rev G1 dual mono Control Board. Plenty of help here to get you started down the slippery slope. Ask lots of questions and be ready to put up with the antics from this lively group.



Veteran and General Yakker
Nov 1, 2014
Gaston, SC
Victim of the record bug since age five
Is it worth dismantling a perfectly good 400 to build what is essentially a new amp?
”Perfectly good” by 1979 standards brought up to world class by today’s standards is worth every accidentally burned finger and “oops- that resistor is in the wrong place” you’d experience.

Welcome to the forums!