Ahh, Thanks ya'll, I had a great day, my 'puter went down and can just get online now, I can't believe I got to this point, as a young lad on drugs and being the rebel I was I never thought I'd still be here now
I hope some of my buds caught the amazing Perisedes meteor shower, we are under major storm clouds this time of year, I miss my sky show!
Bug's B'day is about now, my wishes to her posted next, thanks my friends!! Love ya more!!
Another Leo? You know we do have some common attributes:
1. Leos will grab attention in any way you possibly can.
2. Leos like to kiss mirrors a lot.
3. Leos will interrupt conversation to talk, and they will place themselves bodily in the way of someone who is trying to leave before the Leo is finished saying what he or she needs to say.
4. Leos expect their Clappers to applaud when they enter a room.
5. Capricorns hang posters of great mathematicians on their walls. Pisceans hang posters of unicorns on their walls. Leos hang posters of themselves on their walls.