I've been experimenting with a suggested mixture. 91% isopropyl alcohol ( 1/3), and (2/3) distilled water. In a half pint size bottle, I'm adding a few drops of JetDry, which acts as an agent to help the water. If the record is really terrible I sometimes run the LP under the tap to remove debris first. This is often the case with thrift store records. You defineatly don't want to drag big particles in the grooves during cleaning.
If the record in relatively clean looking, I use an audioquest brush to remove the big dust.
I'm still trying different applicators, I've tried makeup applicator cotton rounds, which soak up alot of crap but leave some lint ( even though they say " lint free " on the package. Ive also used a dishwasher brush but with a lot of fluid. That works nice, but it's not great for wet usage as you can't use it multiple times wet as that will just contaminate the next record.
In the end, the 91% is a good cleaner on it's own and leaves pretty much no residue.
Either way, its best not to just let this dry wet, so I use a micro fiber cloth attached to a sponge and spin the record with it on another table.
Overall the results have been effective. The makeup pads do a lot of good and the micro fiber finish pics up what they drop off. I usually wait an hour to be sure there's no left over moisture, then I use the audioquest brush again before I play.
I was looking for a cheap alternative and so far so good. But, becareful mixing chemicals. When you mix water and alcohol, that will warm up. Let everything settle and test on your least important vinyl.