We'll see. It sucked either way, and thinking that this really appeases Vladimir Putin is fairly shortsighted. I think that this could be even less effective than the last eight years, and people's minds are already self-scrambled to the point where they scream about the tiniest of things...
like having to click though a simple page for adding social to the new Outlook.com instead of straight to the email.
No, you wouldn't believe.
It only gets worse perhaps. Like I said, perhaps everyone will behave now, but I doubt it.
Good luck with all of that, and be careful what you wish for as the wags have said for years...you might get it.
And here in Oregon, I didn't see where things changed much. Kate Brown is still governor (D), Ted Ferrioli our district's Republican state senator, we got a Republican Secretary Of State but there is no news in that, it swings from D to R often and several state races had no challengers. Washington State is pretty much a Democrat stronghold as well.
Measure 97 (would add taxes) failed, 94 failed, most passed. Low-income housing issues passed/were passing in Portland and Vancouver, WA, that too was expected. One incumbent Portland city commissioner lost his seat to a relatively not well known woman, I think that was in response to the fact he didn't sound very good when interviewed by OPB as part of their election coverage over the summer and fall.
Recreational pot growing and possession in small amounts still seems to be gaining in popularity, and you would have thought CALIFORNIA would have been there much earlier. Stuff inhabits more bowls in places than Cheerios, doesn't it?
I still wonder what street corner I should stake out eventually to live and die. It gets harder to just die in your own bed every year and this year is no perceived exception. Don't call me a pussy on it. I chose to live and die in Nowhere and I love it here.