Good Article


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
I have a lot of respect for these guys. They don't only test the new planes. They do a lot of test flights for birds doing warranty. I worked on aircraft that had been in the dessert for years. They fixed any leaks. Put fuel in it and go. the 1st one I did I had to rig. DC-8s aren't fun. I made cables. We didn't buy them. The longest cable I did was over 1200.00 feet. Queen Flash Gordon is very good also. Very good CD. Getting to be a favorite. Yea I'm in a good mood today. We got snow. All my bulbs are coming up. We have some very nice lilies by our drive way. They get about 3 feet tall and are huge. Very nice flowers. This lady use to drive by and tell me I'm glad you moved here. I'm always doing things in my yard. I dug out a hill and built a patio at the foot of the deck. Made room up there.. Have a lot of work to do in the spring. My flower beds are always progressing. I have some very nice roses coming next month. I have to buy more Phloxs this year. I want a carpet of flowers around the lilies. I have a weeping grab apple in the front yard. Very pretty tree. I go crazy some times. She picked it out and we bought it. Every thing gets mulch and the stuff that around flowers and things. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. LOL ... y-see-how/