Hoping that it will be true to the original versions.
That last one was terrible,made Godzilla look like just another big lizard.
I was a huge fan of the older series growing up.
Watch the Blu Ray Criterion version for the original version that is quite different than the Americanized one that we are familiar with .
Miss the days of the good ole monster movies,Them,Creature From The Black Lagoon etc.
We're [kinda, sorta] settled in at my sister-in-law's house in Overland Park, Kansas, and we don't get the keys for the house in Independence, Missouri until May 18th. We're waiting for the final word from the Underwriters, and hope to hear on that soon.
In other news, I took a hard fall to a sidewalk ten days ago - didn't see the edge of one section lifted up a good two inches by the roots of an evil cedar tree - so now I have two things to recover from, as I took it HARD on the ribs.
Thanks for remembering, but it's going to be awhile - probably late summer, or early fall. Since my last post, above, I've come down with a UTI and flu. I may not be up to the task of unloading those five cubes, and we get the keys (hope...) in 13 days. To top it off, we settled on a house which is not at the top of the list for ease-of-move-in.