Article I saw said he was 95 - wonder if they decided it was time. Don't know what the laws in NM are concerning drug-assisted death; I know we've researched owning land with friends in Oregon as that's allowed there when the time comes.
Was shocked and saddened in equal measures at the news.
Looks like double suicide from statements made. Pills scattered around floor where she was found.
French Connection 1 and 2 are my alltime favourite films and this is where I know him from principally. Like some of his other work too.. even as Lex Luthor.
Was only wondering whatever happened to him a few months agoband turned up a recent article describing how he spends most of his time enjoying nature with his wife and his passion of fishing.
Sad day.
It sounds like life was wonderful up until the moment it wasn't. He was a tremendous talent and deserved the life he was able to build for himself and his wife post-career (even if he wouldn't call it retirement).
stands to reason though- when you're as reclusive as they obviously were then it's going to be most likely down to whoever you're in frequent contact with that eventually discovers you. In this case it looks like the maintenence workers who rocked up every couple of weeks or so.
I give myself the same sort of odds if I croak it - live on my own, sometimes go 7-8 days without speaking/texting with friends family, not relying on the neighbours unless they decide to report the smell.
That's how it goes for some folks. Even a lot longer in some cases.