FS: Phase Linear 700B WOPL 1000 Fresh build

WOPL Sniffer

Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 10, 2015
Screw it
FS: Phase Linear 700B WOPL 1000 Fresh build

Meet Deb, the latest WOPL Build. She's been on the back burner for a couple weeks while I dealt with the Clair Bros Amps. Cosmetically NOT perfect but very nice (actually she is better than nice. New reproduction face plate, I put feet on her to help with cooling. All new boards and wiring courtesy of Joe at White Oak Audio. I also put the DC Protection in her to protect your speakers (courtesy of Don Imlay) in case this beautiful Ho decides to throw a fit (Comes with full blown warranty). I put approximately 65 hours in labor on the and ll the guts are new (new backplane, new control board, new wiring, bridge rectifier, output jacks, input jacks etc.., as is the output transistors. I have her on my rack jamming as I write this. PM me if you are interested in a fresh WOPL.

DEB WOPL 067.jpg DEB WOPL 062.jpg DEB WOPL 011.jpg DEB WOPL 010.jpg DEB WOPL 008.jpg DEB WOPL 006.jpg DEB WOPL 005.jpg DEB WOPL 002.jpg DEB WOPL 064.jpg DEB WOPL 070.jpg DEB WOPL 069.jpg DEB WOPL 063.jpg