Nice to see you back. Lee. With the warm weather we've had these past few months, our local river levels have been very low. Not good for the fish, and the Coho which have been returning to the rivers have been pooled up in the lower reaches of the rivers. Was this a good year for trout where you were fishing? You look like you were in your element and enjoying it.
Look smart guy, I caught and released 15 fish between 16 and 24 inches an thursdfay alone, with most in the 18-20 inch range------so there. And when I figure out where and how to post video's, i have ten minutes of heart stopping action of fighting and landing a 24 inch, 7lb rainbow. My outdoor cinematographer debut. Utterly sensational.
Nice to see you back. Lee. With the warm weather we've had these past few months, our local river levels have been very low. Not good for the fish, and the Coho which have been returning to the rivers have been pooled up in the lower reaches of the rivers. Was this a good year for trout where you were fishing? You look like you were in your element and enjoying it.
I live for that shit Nando. The water situation was not good for fish this year Nando, but the 2 previous springs had kept Seminoe and Pathfinder resevoirs full and minimum stream flows high and fish mortality due to high water temps to none.
Look smart guy, I caught and released 15 fish between 16 and 24 inches an thursdfay alone, with most in the 18-20 inch range------so there. And when I figure out where and how to post video's, i have ten minutes of heart stopping action of fighting and landing a 24 inch, 7lb rainbow. My outdoor cinematographer debut. Utterly sensational.
I think (hey.. I did it .. "once" .. but I don't often)... Best thing would be to put the vid up on youtube, then from there you can embed or link to it from here.
.thm Joe. Let me check on the size. Two videos for the 10 minutes. One was 3-1/2 and the other was 6-1/2. With 3 minutes of none in between. An epic battle.
Youtube is the answer, period. One - if we start hosting videos here that will consume "noticeable" bandwidth. Two - youtube converts just about ANY format to a format that is manageable in size and bandwidth.. automatically. So upload it there, then we can work on embedding it here.