Hey all, I have $300 in ebay bucks from my recent purchases and I can throw another $300 to buy a nice new rig, markWcomer, I respect your opinion greatly, I didn't PM you because I wanted as much input as I can get, my ocd and spreadsheet mania sets in, also, I'm not rich and need to spend wisely!!
My background: Schooled in classic B&W and color 35mm in high school, community college and 'The School of Visual Arts' in NYC. Kodak Tri-X (400) also pushed to (1800), Pan-X (25) B&W printing and enlarging work. Lee/Jani and Nando/Geri have copies of my work of the World Trade Towers (I had those sent out for printing on acid free paper). Also Kodachrome 64 and 25 slide film, Extar 25 print, various Fuji and some fun emulsions my professor made in his lab in NYC. I taught myself how light reacts to film and paper so digital is new to me still I'm not afraid of it.
I've used Canon gear since high school, I got my Grandfathers Contax IIIa rangefinder with a Zeiss lens he bought in Europe in the 1950's so I know a great lens is what it's all about, I can't afford a Leica so...
I'd like a big 50mm 1.4 lens to start with a SLR body, then add more lenses. My eyesight has weakened and I have bi-focal glasses.
My background: Schooled in classic B&W and color 35mm in high school, community college and 'The School of Visual Arts' in NYC. Kodak Tri-X (400) also pushed to (1800), Pan-X (25) B&W printing and enlarging work. Lee/Jani and Nando/Geri have copies of my work of the World Trade Towers (I had those sent out for printing on acid free paper). Also Kodachrome 64 and 25 slide film, Extar 25 print, various Fuji and some fun emulsions my professor made in his lab in NYC. I taught myself how light reacts to film and paper so digital is new to me still I'm not afraid of it.
I've used Canon gear since high school, I got my Grandfathers Contax IIIa rangefinder with a Zeiss lens he bought in Europe in the 1950's so I know a great lens is what it's all about, I can't afford a Leica so...
I'd like a big 50mm 1.4 lens to start with a SLR body, then add more lenses. My eyesight has weakened and I have bi-focal glasses.