AND WATER!!!! *thud*, and Geri's wearing a sweater !!!!! God it's gonna hit 110 today, thanks for those pics Nando, I feel just a little cooler before I jump in a hot cool water today, I just checked
, my smooth delicate skin on my firm, shapely rearend doesn't like to get scalded, I ain't no cat
Ahhh, big tall pines, crisp cool water, clean fresh air without smoke!! Heavenly!!
btw, all state and federal parklands in AZ are closed for the summer, absolutely no admittance whatsoever!! Only folks like Dale who have to work in them for valid reasons are allowed in, they even hassle him, calling his boss to find out why he's going up there. Seriously, the border with Mexico is not as well guarded. A couple hikers snuck into Sabino Canyon, got lost and ran out of water, they used their cell phone to call for help, the Park Service is fining them for the $20,000 helicopter ride out, and the Feds are charging them a $50,000 criminal tresspass park fee