Cutover. The death of analogue.

Chris Cables

Chief Journeyman
Jun 13, 2024
Peoples Republic of Vleuten
Cable-related videos are always popping up in my youtube feed, for obvious reasons I suppose. All those emails and cable manufacturers website cookies reporting back to google on me etc.
But this particular video had me enthralled - a 'speedy cutover' service from an old analogue telephone exchange system to a newer digital (?) system by Western Bell.
The logistics and planning for what would now be conducted with the flick of a few switches and the boot-up of a new OS looked back then to be a bit more involved. You can feel the tension building up towards the moment of 'cutover'.
Loving all the 80's hairstyles, music and choice of facial hair arrangements, lol

Best comment - '@3:53 Gotta love how fast everyone was trying to be quick, and this guy takes his sweet time to flip the switch.' :D
(You need to watch to the end to get the comment)

Anyone here had any telecomms experience?

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