Excellent! As the owner of one there are a few things to tell you, mainly:
1. This deck is 7" maximum, it does not take 10.5" reels. If you want a 4-channel recorder capable of using large reels then the A-3340 is your choice.
2. Skywavebe (Sam) would immediately point out that he isn't a big fan of the transport controls with the slider switch vs. all buttons. It might be his gripe although he has had to repair them. They seem to be the same kind of arrangement as on the A-3300 and a few others are aren't too bad to use. My old parts chasis had a broken slider PCB though.
3. Simulsynch is a nice thing to have.
4. Even so it was a landmark deck and a fine deck to own.
It looks like he did a great job cleaning up. Do you have an idea of what he's going to sell it for?
If you don't have the manual/parts list and you should be able to find it on hifiengine or perhaps I can find my PDF file and send a copy to you if you buy it or need one.