gimme a hmmmmmmm
Well, party people, I've got me an H-L Data CD-R/RW and a Pioneer DVD-ROM from 1999 stuck in the tower, the CD isn't registering yet, have to look at that...
and the Pioneer keeps freezing at a certain area.
I want burners on both ends but at least I'm making progress...
both are powered.
I had hoped I had a PC game for FF. It was Cabela's Big Game Hunting 6 by Activision but then I realized it was only the first disc (install) and I have no further discs but this one in the Pioneer drive. Crap.
Here are some pics of that MATX Compaq.[attachment=6:11zx0m45]Compaq ninja.JPG[/attachment:11zx0m45][attachment=4:11zx0m45]Compaq ninja (5).JPG[/attachment:11zx0m45][attachment=3:11zx0m45]Compaq ninja (8).JPG[/attachment:11zx0m45][attachment=2:11zx0m45]Compaq ninja (9).JPG[/attachment:11zx0m45][attachment=1:11zx0m45]Compaq ninja (10).JPG[/attachment:11zx0m45][attachment=0:11zx0m45]Compaq ninja (11).JPG[/attachment:11zx0m45]